Dynamic Text Animation

To animate text with real-time data:

1. Right Click -> Dynamic ->Animation


     Select the Dynamic icon  from the upper toolbar.

2. The Animation Configuration Dialog Box appears.


Animation Configuration  Dialog Box  

3.  Select R-Text radio button    (R-Text = Right Justified Text).

4.  Select a TAG from the List (for example select SPEED).

Hint - if the Tag List is blank Click the DaqTag button to see some system tags.  %ATIMERCOUNT is a useful tag to use for learning.

5. Click on the TAG Name  from the list and select OK .

6. Click once on the text to be animated.

7. A red box should appear around the text signifying that the text is Dynamic.


You can continue to draw some pushbuttons.  

Or you can save the graphic and download your graphic to the SCADA node in order to VIEW  it now.