A Global Script is like a Screen Script only it runs, no matter what display is showing. The Global Script runs on the SCADA node (not the client).
Global Scripts are built using the Script Editor in DRAW. The Global script is then scheduled using the Global Script in Project Manager. There is a maximum of 8 global script groups, with a start script, stop script and while running script. Scripts can call other scripts (using SCREXEC), so you use these scheduled scripts to call other scripts to increase this to a number above 8.
Figure 12.1.1 - Global Script configuration
1. Connect to Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Project Node.
2. Start Configuration.
3. Select SCADA node.
4. Select Global Script hyperlink in Project Manager Node Properties.
5. The Global Script configuration page appears ( Figure 12.1.1 above).
6. Description is any user-defined description for this group of scripts.
7. Click Start Script if you want a script to run when the SCADA node starts. This script will run once when the SCADA node starts or restarts.
Use the pull down menu to the right of Script File List to select the name of the script. This file must be located in the project root directory, typically c:\WebAccess\node\config\projectname\bgr.
Scripts are built using the Script Editor in DRAW.
8. Click Stop Script to specify a script to run when the SCADA node is stopped or stopped as part of a restart. This acts as a Shutdown Script. The Stop script runs when the SCADA Node is stopped using either bwkCTRL, the task bar menu or Project Manager.
9. Click While Running Script if you want a script to run repeatedly at specified Interval while the SCADA node is running . The While Running Script runs continuously on the SCADA Node ( as long as the kernel is running).
Use the pull down menu to the right of Script File List to select the name of the script.
10. Type an Interval for the While Running Script. These are in 25 millisecond intervals. 10 = 0.25 sec = ΒΌ second
2400 = 60 sec = 1 minute
11. Select ENABLE for the STATUS.
12. There are two ways to download these changes to the SCADA Node:
12a. Download and Restart the SCADA node from the SCADA Node properties page. If you have never downloaded the SCADA node before, then this is required. This will temporarily stop the SCADA node (if it is running).
12b. Use the Download hyperlink on the Global Script C0nfiguration Page (figure 12.11.1 above). This will download changes to the Global Scripts without stopping the SCADA node.
This data can also be viewed in runtime using the Global Script System Display or %DGSST, %TGSSCRPT1, %TGSSCRPT2 and %TGSSCRPT3.
This information is stored in a Global Script Initialization file which is downloaded to the SCADA node. You can view this file a drive:\WebAccess\Node\config\Project_Node\BWSCRRDT.INI on the Project Node or drive:\WebAccess\Node\Project_NodeBWSCRRDT.INI on the SCADA node
[ssnumber] A group of three scripts: Start, While Running and Stop controlled by same STATUS flag.
DESCRIPTION - Any user description for the group of three scripts
Start Script Optionally, this Script runs only once on START of the SCADA node. It will run once if the STATUS=1=ENABLE. This defines the name of the script file (the script.scr).
This file must be located in the project root directory, typically C:\WebAccess\Node\config\projectname\bgr
Stop Script Optionally, this Script runs only once on STOP of the SCADA node. It will run once if the STATUS=1=ENABLE. This defines the name of the script file (the script.scr).
This file must be located in the project root directory, typically C:\WebAccess\Node\config\projectname\bgr
Running Script - This Script Runs Continuously. This defines the name of the script file (the script.scr).
This file must be located in the project root directory, typically C:\WebAccess\Node\config\projectname\bgr
INTERVAL The frequency it runs at (in 25 milliseconds, 0.025 seconds, 20 = once every 1/2 second, 40 = once every 1 seconds, 240=6 seconds, 400 = once every 10 seconds, 1200=30 seconds, 2400=every 21 minutes)
STATUS Enables of Disables the entire block of System Scripts. 0=all three scripts Startup, While Running and Shutdown are disabled (will not run).
1= enables the SCADA System Scripts in this block (i.e. all scripts defined under the [ssnumber} tag).