15.5 Exit ViewDAQ

Closing ViewDAQ can be done multiple Ways:

·         From File menu on the Menu Bar

·         From the Windows Title Bar

·         From Keyboard (Alt + F4)

·         From a Pushbutton on a Display

Exit View applies only to ViewDAQ, the non-browser based version of VIEW used on the SCADA node.   A web browser client can always be closed.  The local non-web browser version that runs on the SCADA node can be set up to require a password to close the Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Display Window.

Display Groups can be configured with an Exit Password Level.  This is the Logged In User’s Level required to close VIEWDAQ or to close a Display Group.  This feature prevents operators from closing the Control System Window.  Further, Advantech WebAccess/SCADA cannot be shutdown from the local taskbar if at least one ViewDAQ window is open.

If an Exit Password Level is configured for the ViewDAQ Display Group, a pop-up dialog box appears requesting a user name and password, with the security level required to close the ViewDAQ window (The Level is configurable, the Area is always 127).

Figure 15.5  - Password Dialog Box - Exit ViewDAQ
user configurable Security Level  (15)

Note -        an administrator or user logged in with the security level for ViewDAQ  required to close the display window will not be prompted to log in.