Status Bar

The Status Bar appears at the bottom of Advantech WebAccess/SCADA VIEW. Status bar contains:

·         Time

·         Three Alarm Windows (Process, Communications and Recipe),

·         Tag Name of most recent Alarm

·         Display name

·         Highlighted Pushbutton, Tag or Trend Crosshair Values.

The Status bar content changes based where the cursor is.  It will show the Function of a Toolbar Button

Figure 16.5 Status Bar – Recipe Display

the keymacro of a user built pushbutton,

Figure 16.6 Status Bar - Pushbutton Highlighted

the tagname and span of a highlighted tag

Figure 16.7 Status bar - Highlighted Tag

or the values of the crosshairs in a real-time trend.

Figure 16.8 Status Bar - Trend values at crosshair