Start Kernel from Taskbar Icon

You cannot start the SCADA Node unless a Project has been configured and Downloaded to the SCADA Node.

To Start the SCADA Node kernel locally on the SCADA Node:

1.      Click the red Taskbar Icon  in the “System Tray”.

Figure 2-13 Taskbar Icon in System Tray

2.      The Taskbar Menu appears (Figure 2-11).

3.      Move the mouse over Start Kernel.

Figure 2-14 Start SCADA Node Kernel locally from Taskbar

4.      Move the mouse over the Project_SCADA Node name (there can be more than one project downloaded to a SCADA Node).

5.      Click with the Mouse the Project_SCADAnode name you want to start.

6.      The Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Icon should turn green .  

The Taskbar Icon is Color Coded to show the State of the SCADA Node Kernel.

Note - If there is no ViewDAQ, no Start Kernel, and no Stop Kernel listed in the menu of your Taskbar Icon, then you are on a Project Node.  The Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Taskbar Icon is always red on the Project Node