2.3.7   Start VIEW

Continuing from Step 7 in the previous section (Download the SCADA Node).

Figure 2-34 Start VIEW from Project Manger

8.      Select Start View (Figure 2-34).

There are other ways to START VIEW described in VIEW Client Options and Start Advantech WebAccess/SCADA VIEW

9.      If you have not already installed the Client, you will see a message:
"Please Click here to install Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Client first".

Figure 2-35 - Prompt to download and install Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Client

If you get this message, just follow the steps to download and install the client.  If you need more information about downloading and installing the client plug-in.

Hint -  After Downloading Client, close all Web browser windows before running the Client Setup program.  If you close all web browser windows, you will not have to reboot your computer.

Figure 2-36 - Login page, start VIEW – from Project Manager

10.  Welcome to Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Login appears (Figure 2-36) if the Client is installed.

11.  Select Please Login

12.  The User Login Dialog Box Appears (Figure 2-37).

Figure 2-37 - Login Password Dialog Box

13.  Enter Username: admin
and no Password:

14.  Right Click with the mouse or press the Enter key.

15.  The default Main Graphic Display appears (you can edit or create a new Main.bgr later)

Figure 2-38 - default MAIN Graphic Display

CONGRATULATIONS! You have installed, created, configured, downloaded and started a Advantech WebAccess/SCADA project.

The steps so far have been to test out your software installation, there are many steps not yet completed in building a real automation project: configuring Com Ports, Devices, Tags and building graphics are the next steps.

To rapidly build a demonstration or practice project with many graphics, you can Import a SCADA Node over the Internet from the Advantech Live Demo (http://www.advantech.com.cn/eAutomation/WebAccess/index.asp).  See Import SCADA Node in the following sections of this manual.

See the Quick Start Manual for a quick guide to building tags and graphics.

See the following sections in this Engineering Manual for a complete Guide to using Advantech WebAccess/SCADA.