The query result in various Log Displays can be exported to Microsoft Excel.
WebAccess Configuration (Internet Explorer)
For Log Displays in WebAccess Configuration, use the right-click menu. “Export to Microsoft Excel” appears as a menu item by right-clicking the mouse ( a popup menu appears to export data). A version of Microsoft Excel which supports “Export to Microsoft Excel” (e.g. EXCEL 2002 or later) must be installed on the computers where IE is run (i.e. on the client).
For Log Displays in WebAccess ViewDAQ, use the “Export to Microsoft Excel” menu item in the Edit submenu to export data. A version of Microsoft Excel which supports “Export to Microsoft Excel” (e.g. EXCEL 2000 or later) must be installed on the computers where ViewDAQ is run (i.e. on the SCADA node).
View client (Internet Explorer)
For Log Displays in WebAccess View client, use the Right-click menu item “Export to Microsoft Excel” to export data. A version of Microsoft Excel which supports “Export to Microsoft Excel” (e.g. EXCEL 2000 or later) must be installed on the computers where View client is run.