3.2.22   Data Log to ODBC(Not supported by WinCE)

For each tag that is Data Logged on SCADA node (Log Data in Tag Properties), this will also enter a record in an ODBC Database on the Project Node (Access is the default). This is a centralized Database for all SCADA nodes.  Analog Tags are logged to the ODBC database once per minute.  Discrete Tags are logged on an exception basis, based on change of state.

Advantech WebAccess/SCADA installs an Access Database as part of software installation.  You do not need to create a database or have Access software installed. The database resides on the Project Node, typically located at C:\WebAccess\Node\BwPData.mdb

The Analog Data Table is named bwTAGdata.

The Discrete Data Table is name bwDISCRETEdata.

The default DSN name is bwpdata_Access.  It is recommended to use the Access Database.

DATA LOG to ODBC creates a centralized DATA Log of all SCADA Nodes.  Each Analog Tag entry includes:

·         Project & SCADA Node ID

·         Tag Name

·         Log Date

·         Log Time

·         Max Value

·         Average Value

·         Min Value

·         Last Value

·         Alarm State.

Each Analog Tag entry includes:

·         Project & SCADA Node ID

·         Tag Name

·         Log Date

·         Log Time

·         Log Value  (i.e. Discrete State as an integer number)

·         Alarm State.