3.2        SCADA Node Properties

Figure 3.2 SCADA Node Properties  page (top half) – bwMAIN.asp see Figure 3.2b below

SCADA Node Properties are features that enable the Advantech WebAccess/SCADA Project Node to "find" the SCADA node:

·         Node Name to identify this SCADA node on Displays.

·         IP Address or other network address of the SCADA node PC.

·         Firewall TCP ports. If a firewall is used, two TCP ports are required: Primary TCP Port Number and Secondary TCP Port Number.

·         Remote Access Code. This must match the Access Code specified during SCADA node software installation.  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use a Remote Access Code. This will prevent outsiders from hijacking your Project or SCADA nodes.

Other Optional features are set here also including:

·         Alarm Email Server can be used for Notification of Alarms to email recipients and pagers. Both an Outgoing SMTP and/or Incoming POP3 servers can be specified

·         Node Description.

·         Node Timeout is the Communications Time between the Project node and SCADA node considered a failure.

·         Logging Alarms and Operator Actions to printers or ODBC Databases.

o        Alarm Email and Pager Addresses

o        Reply Email to Acknowledge Alarms

o        Alarm Log To a Central ODBC Database

o        Alarm Log To Printer

o        Action Log To Printer

o        Action Log To Central ODBC Database

o        DataLog to ODBC

o        Lines per Log Page

o        Printer Control String

o        On Line changes to Tag fields reflect to Database

·         Alarm Horn characteristics.

o        Beep Interval

o        Beep Frequency

o        Beep Duration


oBackup SCADA Node(e.g. "redundant SCADA node") information including address, TCP ports, etc.

Figure 3.2b - Node Properties page (bottom half) - bwMain.asp



1. Data Log Starting Year field is added in Node property page to let users define the leftmost year for Data Log display.

The value should be greater than or equal to 2001.

2. For Windows Vista OS, We implemented an enhancement for users to configure Tooltip Setting in Node Property page. Analog Tag Tooltip Setting, Discrete Tag Tooltip Setting, and Text Tag Tooltip Setting fields are added. To disable the tooltip display, leave these fields as blanks. Please note that “.FIELDNAME” must be entered in all capital letters. When the mouse cursor is over pickable animation objects or near line segments of trend/xyplot displays, a tooltip window will display text messages according the Tooltip Settings.The sample settings are shown as follows:

The settings will apply to all ViewDAQs on the SCADA node and all View clients connecting to the SCADA node. To override the settings for SCADA node or client computer, please add [tooltip] section to its corresponding bwclient.ini. For example,



2= TooltipSettingForDiscreteTag

3= TooltipSettingForTextTag

3. View Auto Logout Time Out field is added in Node property page to let users define the time out minutes without mouse/keyboard activities before View/ViewDAQ logouts automatically.

Specify 0 to disable the time out feature. A positive value will define the time out minutes for the SCADA node and all View clients connecting to the SCADA node. To overwrite this setting for SCADA node or client computer, please add the following section to its corresponding bwclient.ini.


timeout=x, where x is new time out minutes or -1 to disable time out feature.

4.Tag Name Patterns field is added in various ODBC log query pages to let users search for patterns using wildcard characters when “All Tags” is highlighted.

For Access database, use % (percent symbol) to matches any number of characters and _ (underscore) to match any single character.



Figure 3.2c - Node Properties page (bottom half with Backup SCADA Node) - bwMain.asp

To Add SCADA Node,

1.      Login to Project Manager.

2.      Select a Project.

3.      Select Add SCADA Node.  

For detailed step by step guide see section 2.3.5, Add SCADA Node

To modify or edit an existing SCADA node,

1.      Login to Project Manager.

2.      Select a Project

3.      Select the desired SCADA Node

4.      Select Node Property from the SCADA Node main page (Figure 3.1 or Figure 3.2).

Figure 3.2 Node Property - SCADA Node

From the main SCADA Node Page (bwMAIN.asp) you can also call up additional pages to add other functions to the SCADA Node including:

AddComport - the first step in creating IO Tags and communications to PLCs, IO and devices.

AccPoint - adds an Accumulation Tag commonly used for Totalizers and Counters.

CalcPoint - adds a Calculation Tag.

ConstPoint - adds a place holder tag for Constants and Operator Data Entry.

SysPoint - creates system tags to monitor and alarm communications status and other system parameters.

FacePlate - creates a Group of Tags or Blocks similar to the Faceplate Groups in Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and used to create the Overview -> Faceplate Group -> Block Detail -> Point Detail drill down feature and display hierarchy.

RealTimeTrend - creates a pre-assigned group of Tags for Real-time Trending.

DataLogTrend - creates a pre-assigned group of Tags for Data Log (i.e. Historical) Trending.

AlarmGroup - creates a fixed group of Tags for Alarm Monitoring.  (See also Alarm Summary).

Recipe - creates Recipes and Units that allow hundreds of Setpoints and Values to be downloaded to a PLC or Deice using a single pushbuttons.

Video - creates full screen Video Display. See also Draw Video.

Global Script - schedules scripts to run on the SCADA Node.

UserProgram - starts 3rd Party programs when the SCADA Node starts. Cam also stop the User Program.

DataTransfer - schedules data to be copied from one tag to another, commonly used to exchange data between different PLCs using different communication protocols.

EXCEL-In and EXCEL-OUT - exports and imports the tag database to/from EXCEL.  Allows users to copy and paste tags and other editing features.

Report - creates Scheduled Reports for Shift, Day and Month. Reports are emailed, printed and viewed on-line.

Scheduler - is a Calendar based scheduler designed for Building Automation typically used for Lighting control and temperature setbacks. The Schedule engine runs on the SCADA Node.

PLCScheduler - is an Calender interface identical to the Scheduler, but allows logic to run in the PLC or field device.