Kernel Running Mode of SCADA node.  COMM is "Communications Mode" with the SCADA node communicating over ports to automation devices (PLCs, IO, etc. ). The Hardkey and matching software license control file are required for Communications Mode.  The serial numbers in the Hardkey and License file must match. If the Tag count TTLIOTag exceeds the license TagLimit, node will be forced into Simulation mode.

SIMU is simulation mode with tag values initialized to ½ span. Alarms will occur. There is no communication to field devices.

%DKRLMODE can be changed from COMM to SIMU with using the Administrator account (Admin) or any user  with 127 security level.


Syntax:         %DKRLMODE

Security:       127

Arguments:    NODE

Example:       %DKRLMODE

Return Value: COMM or SIMU

State0:         COMM - Communications Mode

State1:         SIMU - Simulation Mode

Alarm:           SIMU


See also %TKRLMODE, 8.4.2 VIEW TAG Security Level, %TSERIALNUM, 1.5.3 SCADA Node License, TagLimit, TTLIOTag, TTLTag, TTLCTag, AccTag and CalTag.