7.11 Alarm Tag Fields

Tag Fields describe the attributes of each tag, for Alarm Limits, Alarm state and many more.  Tag Fields are available for all tags and all parameters of blocks.

Some Tag Fields represent values set during tag configuration and allow on-line changes (i.e. changing Alarm Limits on-line from VIEW without using the Project Manager). Tag fields require an Administrators Access Level (level 127) in order to change them.

Some Tag Fields are set by the Advantech WebAccess/SCADA SCADA node software (for example, the Alarm Status). Users or administrators cannot change these read-only tag fields. The read/write character is described for each tag fields in the Tag Field section 4.8Tag Fields.  Hyperlinks Links to Alarm related Tag fields are listed below with brief description.

In addition to reading and writing the values of tags in the Advantech WebAccess/SCADA, you can also access the Tag Fields in the Point Info Dialog Box or Graphic Displays.  Enter the Tag name followed by a periods (.) then the Tag Field.  For example, FI2003.ALMHI will give the High Alarm Limit for the tag.

Figure 7.14High Alarm Limit (ALMHI) - Point Info (tag browser)

Users, keymacros and scripts can modify Tag Fields to enable and disable Alarming, modify Alarm Limits and other Alarm attributes of a Tag on-line in run-time mode (VIEW).

The Tag Fields associated with Alarms are:

.ADVDBP - Deviation Alarm Deadband Percent

.ADVDBV - Deviation Alarms Deadband in Absolute Value

.ADVHI - High Deviation Alarm Limit

.ADVLO - Low Deviation Alarm Limit

.ALMCK - Alarm Checking describes if Alarming is enabled, disabled or not configured for the tag.    

.ALMDBP - High Low Alarm Deadband in Percent of Full Scale.   

.ALMDBV - High Low Alarm Deadband in Absolute Value. 

.ALMDT - Alarm Date.  The Date of the current alarm. 

.ALMED - Alarm ENABLE / DISABLE used to temporarily enable or disable alarming for the tag.         

.ALMGP - Alarm Group

.ALMHH - High-High Alarm Limit

.ALMHI - High Alarm Limit.

.ALMLL - Low-Low Alarm Limit.

.ALMLO - Low Alarm Limit.

.ALMNM - Alarm Name describes type of Alarm in text. Similar to ALMTP.

.ALMROC - Rate of Change Alarm is the amount a tag must change between scans that is considered too large. The ROC alarm is in Percent of SPAN.

.ALMST - Alarm State of the Tag




.ALMTM - Alarm Time.  The Time of the current alarm

.ALMTP - Alarm Type describes type of Alarm as an integer between 0 and 8. Similar to ALMNM.

.APRDIG - Alarm Priority of Digital Tag (Discrete Tag)

.APRHDV - High Deviation Alarm Priority

.APRHH -High High Alarm Priority

.APRHI - High Alarm Priority

.APRLDV - Low Deviation Alarm Priority

.APRLL - Low Low Alarm Priority

.APRLO - Low Alarm Priority

.APRROC - Rate of Change Alarm Priority