8.2.5   Restricted User

·         Must be assigned a default graphic on each SCADA in order to access any graphic displays on that SCADA Node through Web Browser. If no default graphic assigned, can not access that SCADA Node.

·  Access only Specified Displays through a web browser. A maximum of 100 displays are available to a restricted user through a web-browser connection. (20 plus the default graphic).

·         Access Point Detail and Block Detail Display of any tag on those graphics.

·         Cannot view Alarm Summary, Overviews, Faceplates Groups, Trends or Alarm Groups through Web Browser.

·         Can not view System Displays (Action Log, Alarm Log, User Programs and Station Status Displays) through Web Browser.

·         Can not view Scheduled Reports, Scheduler, Logs or other functions from the Tools Menu through a Web Browser.

·         Can view only tags appearing on assigned graphic displays in the Point List.

·         Acknowledge Alarms on assigned Displays with ACK enabled under Graphic Page Access (User Properties) by an engineer or technician using Project Manager.

·         Change Values on assigned Displays with Change enabled under Graphic Page Access (User Properties) by an engineer or technician using Project Manager.

Note - Display access restrictions apply only to Web Browser based clients. Restricted User can view all displays and can acknowledge all alarms in ViewDAQ (local SCADA node).


Note-  A Restricted user account can be assigned different Display access on each SCADA node.  If the user is to access multiple SCADA nodes in your project, the user account must be assigned at least one display on each SCADA node. Having access to one SCADA node does not guarantee access to other SCADA nodes in the system.

Restricted Users are created and modified at User on the Project Property Page.