8.4.2   VIEW TAG

VIEW TAG is a predefined screen tag also referred to as a "system tag" or "ViewDAQ Tag".

View Tags describe time, date, alarm logs etc (for example %AALMGLOBAL) they show up using the VIEWDAQ button of the Point List.  All View Tags begin with the percent sign (%).  %A is an analog type, %D is a digital type and %T is a text type. Some View Tags are assigned Level 255 and are READ only.

A user can be assigned the ability to change these tags if he is assigned level 127  (for example View Tag = 127) and the View Tag is not read only.

Setting a users Level = 127 for VIEW TAG, enables him to change the ALL View tags.  To enable users to change only some View Tags, consider using a script or keymacro assigned to a pushbutton.

Pushbutton Keymacros and screen scripts can change most View Tags, regardless of the user's security Area and Level.