ViewDAQ applies only to Display Groups in ViewDAQ, the non-browser based version of VIEW used on the SCADA node.
ViewDAQ Security establishes a Password Level for Closing and Saving Display Groups. It is configured in Add or Update a User in the Project Manager and in Exit Password Level for the ViewDAQ Display Group.
Level 127 enables the user to create, modify and save Display Groups in VIEWDAQ. This feature allows some operators to create new multi-window displays (and to modify the Exit Password Level).
Any number below 127 defines the Password Level the user has when trying to close a ViewDAQ Display Group window. The Exit Password Level is designed to prevent operators from closing the Control System Window. Further, Advantech WebAccess/SCADA cannot be shutdown from the local taskbar if at least one ViewDAQ window is open.
Any one can start ViewDAQ on the SCADA node by clicking on the network icon next to time on the taskbar. Anyone can Open Display Groups.
To Close a Display Group, the user’s ViewDAQ security level higher must be greater or equal to the Exit Password level configured for that group. If not, a Popup Password Dialog Box opens requesting a User Login with the security Level displayed that is required to close the ViewDAQ window.
A remote Download or Stop will shutdown Advantech WebAccess/SCADA even if a ViewDAQ window is open. Only the Administrator or Project User can execute a remote Download or Stop.
VIEW users can always close the web browser to log off.